Citizen Science Contact Point

Citizen science, simply put, is the participation of citizens in scientific research. This can be achieved in many different ways and at different stages of a research project.  
VUB endorses the definition used by Scivil, the Flemish Knowledge Centre for Citizen Science. For a broad definition we refer to the 10 principles of citizen science that the European Citizen Science Association formulated.

In October 2022, VUB launched the Citizen Science Contact Point to promote and support civil science participation at the university. In November of the same year, VUB launched a project call for citizen science projects, funding the SMARTS project and the MOMENT-GPS project.

More specifically, the CSCP’s main goals are:

  • To raise awareness about (the possibilities of) citizen science and to promote a culture in which citizen science is considered as a fully-fledged research method
  • To stimulate both the quality and quantity of funded VUB research projects applying a citizen science approach

To reach these goals, the CSCP provides peer learning and networking opportunities; training, tools and info materials; and project support to the research community at our university.


The EUTOPIA TRAIN Citizen Science Starter Kit

The Citizen Science Starter Kit shares information about what citizen science is (and what citizen science is not) through definitions, guidelines and tips & tricks. Furthermore, it aims to raise awareness about the opportunities of citizen science through providing key examples of citizen science projects. As such, the starter kit also encourages researchers to start with citizen science, and to consider the citizen science approach in (project) proposals. The starter kit also supports reflection and creative thinking. Through the interactive materials, researchers should be able to make critical design choices for running a citizen science research (project). Lastly, it provides you the necessary materials to get started with citizen science. You will find a step-by-step plan with templates and checklists, and other relevant resources to set up the activities.

It consists of 4 modules: 1) Start to learn about citizen science; 2) Determine if citizen science is right for your research; 3) Crucial design factors for successful citizen science 4) Getting started with citizen science.

The EUTOPIA Citizen Science Community of Practice + The Citizen Science Clinics

We launched a community of practice which was supported by peer learning sessions, taking place three times per semester, about every six weeks. The outcomes of these ‘Citizen Science Clinics’ are gathered in this mural (click ‘View as a visitor’ twice to enter).

VUB Quality Criteria for Citizen Science

These quality criteria are the result of a co-creation workshop involving management and supporting staff from VUB's Research and TechTransfer departments, members of our research community, and members of ECOOM and Scivil. As a reference, we turned to the ‘Criteria for the selection of projects’ by the Citizen Science Center Zurich, the 10 principles of citizen science as defined by ECSA and the 'Quality Criteria for Citizen Science Projects on Österreich forscht'.

The compilation of the list of quality criteria started from the statement of the Citizen Science Center Zurich and was supplemented by suggestions or comments from the co-creation workshop.

VUB Citizen Science Training

Is taking place twice a year in collaboration with the Research Training & Development Office. Available for the entire research community.